011-2614 2423 | ALIIZWELLZ ENTERPRISE [003023977-V] | 2014 - 2023 pakarbinawebsite@gmail.com

1. Make it easy to navigate.
Dan Veltri, co-founder and chief product officer of Weebly, advises limiting the top-level navigation menu to five clearly labeled tabs under which related pages are arranged. You should also provide a clear way to return to the home page no matter where your readers land. Very often, a Google search will take the reader to a different page on your site than the home page.

Did you know
People scan web pages from top to bottom, left to right, so place your navigation menu where most people expect it: at the top of the page. Use dropdown menus under each top-level category to keep navigation clear and organized.

2. Keep your pages manageable.
Paul Bolls, associate professor of strategic communications at the Missouri School of Journalism, says readers need to be able to put information in context. If a website has too much information, the mind is overloaded and can not absorb the new information. Make sure you have a balance of text and graphics that makes for a clear page.

One way to keep the page uncluttered is to not include social widgets such as a Twitter feed on your website. Ask yourself if you are adding information that will be of interest to the reader, advises Michael LaVista, CEO of Caxy Interactive. If the content of your widget does not support the purpose of the page, remove it.

3. Make sure it’s correct.
It should go without saying that inaccurate information will turn off consumers, whether it’s an incorrect phone number, outdated product information, or simple grammatical errors. Not only should you proofread each page before it goes online, but you should also check each page regularly, especially for updates elsewhere.

As you update key information about your business on your website, you should also update your social media pages, Google My Business, Yelp, and other websites where your business may appear.

4. Respect the need for speed.
A study by digital marketing company Akamai found that 88.5% of Internet users abandon a website if it loads too slowly. Moreover, the loading time of a website influences the purchase decisions of almost 70% of online shoppers.

Make sure your website runs smoothly by keeping software up to date, optimizing videos and images for faster downloads, and using a website host that can meet bandwidth requirements.

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